Thursday, 18 December 2008
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
Aseara vecinul meu ciumpalac a venit sa ma anunte ca i se uda (peretele) din cauza apei care salasluieste sub cada mea, dar a uitat sa dea in seara asta muzica naibii mai incet (desi a fost anuntat si amenintat in repetate randuri). Si eu o sa chem maine un instalator... Yeah, right!
lolisme chestii,
Saturday, 6 December 2008
Colegi de camera
Bestia cauta colega de camera cu minim 2 giga DDRAM, harddisk cat mai mic, filtru bun anti-spam (sa nu vina cu baieti acasa), sistem de operare Linux (fara ecrane albastre), interfata prietenoasa, boxe mari (sutien marimea 4-5), sa se downloadeze cu altii doar in lipsa noastra si cu Bestia doar in lipsa mea pentru garsoniera in Drumul Taberei, 150 euro/luna.
Pick me Choose me Love me
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
You are my sweetest downfall
I loved you first, I loved you first
Beneath the sheets of paper lies my truth
I have to go, I have to go
Your hair was long when we first met
Monday, 17 November 2008
Friday, 14 November 2008
Sunday, 2 November 2008
La multi ani, not
La multi ani, Bestie. 1 an. Un an in care ne-am certat mai mult decat ne-am impacat, ne-am zis nesimtiri si tu si eu, am stat botoase, am avut cateva zile foarte misto, cateva mai multe zile misto si prea multe certuri.
Bestie, te rog eu, du-te la suc/bere/vodka/rachiu aprig de Calnau cu cine vrei tu si lasa-ma sa fiu eu naspa in lumea mea. N-are rost.
Pick me Choose me Love me
Friday, 31 October 2008
Thursday, 23 October 2008
distrus pasaport, ma declar nula
... declar pe propria raspundere urmatoarele: in data de 20.08.2008, ora 11 mi-am spalat pasaportul la masina de spalat haine, impreuna cu o pereche de pantaloni scurti bleumarin. Mentionez la cele de mai sus ca l-am uscat cu phoen-ul si nu l-am calcat cu masina de calcat deoarece aceasta functioneaza cu aburi. De asemenea doresc sa adaug ca la deteriorarea sus-mentionatului pasaport au contribuit aproximativ 150 ml Ariel M-zim 5 si 28 ml Lenor Spring fresh...
LE: de la cumatru': mentionez de asemenea ca pantalonii necesitau spalare, dupa ce am suferit o criza acuta de diaree coroborata cu un ciclu prelungit. In acest sens va aduc tesuturi de proba din pantaloni
politia romana,
Tuesday, 21 October 2008
sorry, bestie
Help, I have done it again - m-am enervat iar dintr-o chestie minora si m-am purtat nasol cu tine
I have been here many times before - da, e deja un obicei...
Be my friend
Hold me, wrap me up
Unfold me
I am small
and needy
Warm me up
And breathe me
Pick me Choose me Love me,
Thursday, 16 October 2008
hai noroc!
Faptul ca-s norocoasa este binecunoscut. DAR cat noroc mi-a trebuit pentru urmatorul fapt:
Azi imi crapa softul telefonului. Injur si-mi promit ca-l resoftez cand ajung acasa. Dau sa plec de la Raluca si-mi zice iPodul ca nu mai are baterie multa si sa fac bine si sa-l incarc. Imi zic: se rezolva cand ajungi acasa. Ajung acasa, imi pun iPodul la incarcat, telefonul asisderea si incep sa-mi fac backupul datelor (numere din agenda, calendar, setari etc.) In secunda in care incep resoftarea imi suna telefonul, un numar care nu era in agenda. Raspund si la capatul celalalt al undelor cineva ma intreaba daca mai am de gand sa-mi fac licenta unde am zis. Eu dau sa cad de pe scaun, ma incearca un tremor si-o tahicardie si incerc sa-mi revin si sa zic DAAA DAAA vreau licenta sarumana!
La telefon era coordonatoarea mea de licenta, conf, dr, alea alea. De ce noroc? Ca daca suna 2 minute mai tarziu o bagam pe maneca artistic si de tot, nu aveam numar de telefon la care sa o caut si ea ma considera neserioasa ca zic una si dispar subit ca magarul in ceata.
Deci cat noroc iti trebuie, frate?
Tuesday, 14 October 2008
Google - the final frontier III
ceasuri de apa nova - numai de la citizen in sus
dj hefe - incearca Răzvan Rădulescu
daddy gay espania - e straight, belive me
hiv traieste - traieste si se si inmulteste
mana fractura epifiza distala radius - nasol, se lasa cu reducere ortopedica si imobilizare in aparat gipsat
rh la oameni - si la maimute, nu doar la oameni. pozitiv e ok, negativ e ok
rh pozitiv
Tuesday special:
bestia asta are tot numai nu te fute - nu te fute? sigur? n-ai nimerit bestia buna.
Sunday, 12 October 2008
Dorele, ne mai tii mult, ma?
Am balcon versiunea 2.0, adica terasa. Odata, demult, aveam si geamuri si gratii la acest balcon (din motiv de locuit pe spatele blocului si multi binevoitori cu nevoie de orice-are-ala-in-balcon).
De la aceasta minunata terasa am o priveliste minunata, pe Dorele care s-au mutat in doua baraci puse una peste alta, dar, fiind oameni gospodari, au tras si gardut (niste foste gratii de la parter) in fata, antena TV, scaune de prin balcoanele studentilor si stau si ei la 'una mica'.
Aseara am ascultat impreuna cu ei Antena Satelor de la Radio Romania unde fiecare a sunat sa faca 'o dedicatie speciala, toata mapa muzicala din seara asta pentru tzatza Stana de pe deal din comuna Cracauani'. Apoi ne-am delectat cu meciul la radio, ceea ce rules rau de tot. Sa ASCULTI meciul e ceva deosebit, mai ales cand comenteaza unul plin de zel.
Cititorii mei care sunt mult mai destepti decat ei sunt rugati sa ignore bara din prim-plan si sa se concentreze asupra mesterilor si mormanului de gunoi de langa ei, produs de ei si crescut cu sfintenie (desi pe aici mai trece din cand in cand masina aia mare si frumoasa pe care scrie REBU sau ECOSERV sau cum ii mai cheama pe aia, mormanul nu a scazut deloc, ba dimpotriva).
E al treilea an consecutiv de renovari si reparatii la camin. M-am saturat de Dorele, Dane si Gigele. Macar anul asta INCA n-au intrat in camere, dar se anunta schimbari de usi si parchet, deci n-am scapat.
E al treilea an consecutiv de renovari dupa 1 octombrie, ca vara nu se lucreaza bine.
Sunday, 5 October 2008
Xenofobie degeaba
Aproximativ 3 luni pe an locuiesc in Londra, intr-un cartier evreiesc, ceea ce e chiar misto. Dar aici, ca pe oriunde, exista si romani.
La un moment dat, intr-o discutie cu o vajnica reprezentanta a sus-numitei natii, respectiva imi zice ca ea a terminat limbi (straine) la Iasi si ar vrea sa faca un master. Eu incerc o gluma si ii recomand studii iudaice, ca tot sta in cartier. Ea se infoaie toata si, cu o fata rosu-vinetie imi explica ea mie cum e treaba cu evreii, ca ea "ii cunoaste din biblie" (scris intentionat cu B mic) si ca ea cand a aflat ca ei l-au rastignit pe Hristos (scris cu H mare doar pentru ca e nume) si-a dat seama ce fel de oameni sunt ei, si, colac peste pupaza, ei (evreii) nici acum nu-l primesc pe Hristos, ceea ce in viziunea domitei este inadmisibil.
O, hai!
-My god's got a bigger dick than your god!
Ai pod? Am si mansarda
Multumita lui daddy cool am iPod :). Ii multumim pe aceasta cale pentru cadoul foarte insiprat. Ma intreb: inspirat de cine? Dar cine l-a inspirat, l-a inspirat bine, ca doar pasiunea mea pentru gadgeturi este biiine cunoscuta. I'm such a nerd...
Partea cu mansarda se refera la ce incepe de maine, stagiul de zuzu-zuzu! pentru profani, psihiatrie, probabil cel mai asteptat stagiu din facultate.
Partea a III-a a postului, nementionata in titlu e despre speranta. Speranta ca mai exista oameni care iti fac un serviciu fara sa se astepte la spaga. Asa ca: fug, in Braila, dupa autobuz, autobuzul asteapta. Waaa! Ma duc langa sofersi ii cer un bilet. El: "Imi pare rau, nu mai tinem noi biletele..." eu: "Pai cum facem, ca eu ma grabesc la gara si n-am timp sa astept urmatorul autobuz" el: "Pai cobori la prima, iei bilet si eu te astept". Eu, in gand, 'o sa ma astepte asta cand mi-oi vedea ceafa. Fara oglinda. Pana la prima statie mi-a schimbat cei 5 RON in bancnotede cate un leu ca "automatul iti da numa' fise de 5 mii".
Am coborat la prima statie, mi0am luat bilet si, n-o sa va vina sa credeti, am urcat in ACELASI autobuz. Deci: TA-DAA! Exista si soferi de autobuz ok. Sau l-am nimerit eu pe singurul?
Sunday, 14 September 2008
Bestia dixit
Aici Bestia zice sarumana conasule! da si noo regent ca suntem 3 415 132 508 546 120 161 657 451 (da, 3 415 hexalioane si ceva) de gandaci acasa (a se citi o camera de camin de 16mp, bucatarie si baie included). Nu o sa supere ca fac copipaste:
Te urasc
pentru ca esti un gandac. gretos. si insensibil. cu carapacea groasa. ai iesit sa te promenezi prin camera. si nu-ti pasa ca "studenti atacati de aceste fiare nemiloase se zbat in zadar cu cate un tub de Raid in mana!" (bestia dixit).APEL UMANITAR
Suntem o familie (not really... dar nu noi facem legea in sud estul salbatec) de romani (plus alte influente) amarati. solicitam ajutorul persoanelor cu dare de...seama si cabinet veterinar langa scara blocului. stie cineva unde mai putem gasi regent???
Va multumim pe aceasta cale si promitem acatiste cacalau si pupat de manusite (doar manusite- ca suntem o famelie committed si serioasa, dupa cum ziceam) la doamne si domnisoare.
(poate ma 'nervez si fac si-un teledon.)
Eu cred ca se simte nevoia de Motor care-i mai starpea prin vanare.
Saturday, 13 September 2008
Tuesday, 9 September 2008
Cenusa-n cap
Da, m-am suparat de-anpulea aseara. Da, tu vroiai sa zici ca ti-e somn si vrei sa te culci si eu am inteles pe dos. Da, tot eu eram aia nervoasa care tuna si fulgera. Imi pare rau.
Pick me Choose me Love me
Sunday, 7 September 2008
Friday, 5 September 2008
Shabbat shalom!
E VINERI! A apus soarele si s-a mai linistit cartierul ca pana cand apune soarele maine nu e voie la scanteie. Brutariile kosher si majoritatea magazinelor sunt inchise. Daca n-ar ploua in halul asta ar iesi lumea la plimbare si vizite.
Pentru mine nu incepe shabbatul, dar incepe weekendul. Dupa o saptamana de muncit de la 7:30 a.m. imi vine sa strang ceasul de gat si sa dorm un an. Wishful sinking...
De marti ma tot tin sa scriu despre Spania... am sa scriu... candva... sper sa am timp si sa nu uit.
Mai sunt 2 saptamani si vine Bestia. :D
La categoria 'Diverse': am descoperit un blog FOARTE misto. Daca simti ca n-ai ras de mult cu lacrimi, citeste-l.
P.S. De ce oare acest titlu imi aminteste de faptul ca n-am nici macar bibliografia pentru lucrarea de diploma? Errrmmm... Parazitologie si Boli Tropicale mi-au trebuit, na! sa-mi ajunga!
Pick me Choose me Love me,
Monday, 18 August 2008
google, the final frontier II
1. ghicit - in ceai sau in cafea? pentru carti de tarot, mergi la Mary.
2. poze transgender - n-am, da' mai cauta matale cu google images
3. august rash - just like june and july RASH... opareala pe romaneste
4. ce-am futut blog - da' ce-am mai futut...
5. fut fuck - da, e o traducere corecta
6. gilda - prezent!
7. just fuck me - un nr. de telefon data viitoare? (nu da, bestie!)
8. mi-a cazut o insigna - esti tru doar daca o iei si o pui la loc.
9. preturi in marrakech - cam mari dar negociabile
10. scandal curat murdar - am scris 2 ani la ei si nu ne-am certat
11. ti-a cazut insigna esti - esti, esti!
12. transgender romania - e un grup de yahoo care se ocupa cu asta, cauta acolo. Succes!
13. what is rofl? - Rolling On the Floor with Laughter.
14. 2. is it enough? is there nothing missing? - I like to think that there's nothing missing. Asa-i, bestie?
[LE]: 15. A intrat mai tarziu, dar nu puteam sa o ratez: do girly girls like tomboys lez - sometimes they do.
lolisme chestii,
Friday, 15 August 2008
those LEZ questions answered
Asta e un fel de auto-leapsa de la Ileanne.
1. do you ...roleplay?
yes, we do. from time to time. not always. we also exchange roles.
2. is it enough? is there nothing missing?
yep, it's enough.
3. when/how did you first know that...?
cand am inceput sa ma uit dupa muieri, pe la 5-6 ani cand admiram cu infocare o amica de-a maica-mii care era extraordinar de frumoasa.
4. are you sure?
yeah, baby!
5. before you...., weren't you scared you may never go back to how/what you were before?
ba da, dar mi-am dat seama ca de fapt asa sunt eu si mi-a placut teribil cine sunt eu.
6. would there be anything to go back to?
don't think so... but, hey, never say never!
7. what about children and marriage? are you ready to let these go?
who's letting go what? da, ne putem casatori in unele tari, iar de copii nu se pune problema. se pot face oriunde si oricand.
8. yes but they won't actually be your children....
asa cum exista mame singure pe lumea asta, vor fi ai mei si ai EI.
9. how about wedding costumes? but wouldn't it be...awkward eitherway?
eu am o viziune complet neacceptata despre nunta mea: scrubs (google search it)
10. what do you like in a woman?
waaa... sper ca cititorii acestui post au peste 18 ani... piele fina si calda, buze moi, gemete in timp ce..., atingeri usoare.
11. don't you ever get bored? is there any variation whatsoever?
nu, nu ne plictisim... iar daca ne plictisim iesim la un teatru. desi in ultima vreme teatrul a cam fost pasat.
12. how do you two.... ?
cu dragoste si daruire.
13. how often do you...? and how much does an average .... last?
as often as we want to (asa-i, bestie?) 2 hours plus.
14. does she make you ....?
sometimes, dar de obicei e mai misto daca nu.
15. how do you know you're in love?
just like everyone else: fluturi in stomac, barbii tremurande, genunchi moi si fluturasi, ingerasi si iepurasi.
16. what attracts you to a woman?
vezi mai sus
17. isn't it hard to find another of those.... how do you call them-girls?
they're all straight untill they're wet (wise men say)... da si nu... declarate, cam greu... bi-curious gramezi... [LE]: a hard woman is good to find. ha ha.
18. how do you label yourself?
19. have you ever know....? has she?
no, I don't know. Could you be more specific?
20. how do you know a girl is gay?
you don't... sexuality is fluid: whether you're gay, you're straight or you're a bisexual, you just go with the flow.
21. did you ever fancy me?
God, I get that question so often... ermm... do YOU fancy me?
22. if you like this kind of girls could it be that you're actually attracted to boys?
i actually like girly-grrls. the cliterati. the lipstick lesbians.
23. why on earth have you cropped your hair? why didn't you use make up anymore? (you're still a girl, you know)
24. did you ever tell a guy hitting on you that you're not into this, that you're....?
25. what if you fall for a guy? do you think you may ever....?
yeah, what if... i'll just go with the flow.
26. is there any jealousy at all in such a relationship?
27. isn't it easier? the loving, the sex....isn't everything so much simpler?
it's just sex. not simpler nor more complicated. SEX.
28. men are stupid and easy to put up with, isn't living with another woman an unnecessary everyday struggle?
destule generalizari. nu.
29. do you always sleep in the same bed?
not always... sometimes we're not in the same country... (bestie, chiar te-a intrebat cineva asta?)
30. do you cuddle each night?
while in the same bed.
31. how come you've moved in together that quickly?
it's the lesbian urge to merge.
32. isn't it risky living together?
risky? what do you mean?
33. what are you going to do if you break up?
say goodbye. and find a place to live.
34. what will you do when she leaves, eventually?
find the next she.
35. is there (some kind of) competition between you two?
nici macar unde mi-as dori: cine spala prima vasele, cine face prima ceaiul de dimineata, de-astea.
36. does everybody know that you two
like... almost everybody. din partea mea nu stiu bunicii si nici nu intentionez sa afle.
37. do you kiss in public places? do you link hands when you're out?
yep, both.
38. how out are you?
vezi mai sus.
39. how is everybody else looking at you? aren't they bothered?
do I look like I care?
40. who else knows about... you?
vezi mai sus.
41. and when are you going to...? you know you'll have to tell him some day....
That's everybody's decision. I don't encourage it.
That's all, folks!
Pick me Choose me Love me
Thursday, 14 August 2008
Blog (useless) things
Furat de la Miruna: Your Candy Heart Says "Get Real" |
![]() You're a bit of a cynic when it comes to love. You don't lose your head, and hardly anyone penetrates your heart. Your ideal Valentine's Day date: is all about the person you're seeing (with no mentions of v-day!) Your flirting style: honest and even slightly sarcastic What turns you off: romantic expectations and "greeting card" holidays Why you're hot: you don't just play hard to get - you are hard to get |
lolisme chestii,
Wednesday, 23 July 2008
Queer on cell: I know... I know! Gosh, that is sooo gay!
(bewildered elderly lady looks at him)
Queer to elderly lady (in shrieking voice): Oh my god, oh my god, the faggot said gay!
Deci overheardul din New York e mult prea tare...
lolisme chestii
Tuesday, 22 July 2008
Proud to be
Nu, eu nu-s tocmai un decretel. Pe mine m-a dorit unul din parinti. Se aude acolo la nord de lacul Ontario?
Sunt tru... mi-a cazut o insigna, o iau si o pun la loc
![]() |
Esti 20% Emo.
Saturday, 12 July 2008
Sunday, 6 July 2008
Monday, 30 June 2008
Fools in Love - Inara George
Fools in love, well are there any other kind of lovers?
Fools in love, is there any other kind of pain?
Everything you do, everywhere you go now
Everything you touch, everything you feel
Everything you see, everything you know now
Everything you do, you do it for your lady
Love your lady, love your lady
Love your lady, love...
Fools in love, are there any creatures more pathetic?
Fools in love, never knowing when they've lost the game
Everything you do, everywhere you go now
Everything you touch, everything you feel
Everything you see, everything you know now
Everything you do, you do it for your lady
Love your lady, love your lady
Love your lady, love...
Fools in love they think they're heroes
'Cause they get to feel no pain
I say fools in love are zeros
I should know, I should know
Because this fool's in love again
Fools in love, gently hold each others hands forever
Fools in love, gently tear each other limb from limb
Everything you do, everywhere you go now,
Everything you touch, everything you feel
Everything you do, even your rock 'n' roll now
Nothing mean a thing except you and your lady
Love your lady, love your lady
Love your lady, love...
Fools in love they think they're heroes
'Cause they get to feel no pain
I say fools in love are zeros
I should know, I should know
Because this fool's in love again.
Daddy cool
Redescopar rude... parinti... dupa 8 ani de absenta, da cu semnul de viata dupa mine, adica traieste... cool... si ma confuzeaza, dar DA... traieste... great. Nu mai pot io ca traiesti tu, baaa!
Ma adaugi pe Facebook? LOL... Te intereseaza? Fa rost de mailul meu, fa-ti simtita prezenta. Aibi curaj si zi-i Soniei ca exist... Yeah, daddy cool... really cool...
Little Boxes
Little Boxes - Melvina Reynolds
In week-end-ul proaspat terminat am fost la un curs organizat de Accept despre varia: Coming-Out, stereotipuri, prejudecati si alte asemenea. Aproape toti oamenii si oamenele de acolo au fost ok, deschisi la minte (nu venisera adusi cu arcanul, ci din proprie initiativa), dar, din pacate, am dat si peste o persoana care era convinsa ca homosexualitatea se ia (sau cel putin asa mi s-a parut mie). Credeam ca mergi acolo pentru curs, ca sa inveti despre asta, nu doar 'la munte' .
In rest, toate bune si frumoase, oameni MISTO, cu care m-am inteles foarte bine. Am plecat singura din Bucuresti si m-am intors cu o parte din organizatori care au fost deschisi la comunicare si n-au fost doar ei intre ei.
A fost fain, mai fac de-astea.
P.S. Vodka din bufetul garii din Sinaia iti ia durerea cu mana!
Saturday, 21 June 2008
Doamnelor, DOMNISOARELOR si... ermm... domnilor (sigur 0.4 din cei 5 cititori ai mei sunt barbati),
Un anunt de maxima importanta: LIVE BLOGGING. Nu oricum... neeeee... cat mai aproape de geam, intr-o pozitie cel putin nefireasca... internet wireless in sufragerie la bunica-mea... un vecin si-a tras router si a uitat sa puna parola... multumesc, vecine, you made my day! (ok, night...)
Dupa cum ziceam acum 24 de ore: IUBESC INTERNETUL WIRELESS!!!
Va doresc o seara buna, tuturor care profitati de netul altora pe neve!!!
Wednesday, 11 June 2008
Acu' fo' doo saptamani am dat la altii si ei mi-au trimis inapoi vesti bune:
De la institutul de hematologie:
Grup B
Rh pozitiv
Negativ pentru hepatita B, C, HIV, sifilis, HTLV
Va multumim si va mai asteptam! :)
Deci n-am nici macar un sifilis mic...
Friday, 30 May 2008
Monday, 26 May 2008
Thank U
Merci de lacrimogena.
Da, sunt imatura si un jeg de om ca am terminat-o la telefon. Asa e. Trimite 308u' sa ma bage in sedinta. Daca nu ar fi trebuit, la ce te-ai impacat cu mine?
TELEFON: ai zis ca vrei sa-ti iei lucrurile de la mine, puteam sa vb si azi, nu-i asa? NU-I ASA? Dar ai preferat sa crezi ca e gata si m-ai provocat si am preferat sa nu te contrazic. E GATA. E DIN VINA MEA. SUNT UN JEG.
AM DOAR PARTI NASPA, NU-I ASA? Atunci la ce mai vrei matalutza sa scrii despre corpul meu pe blog intr-un post din era d.G.?
DOAR TU ERAI STRESATA? EU AM FACUT VREODATA CEVA BINE? Ca doar, nu-i asa, ai terminat profil uman... eu nu prea stie sa vorbeste romaneste corect... numai tu erai stresata... HA!
P.S. Scoate-ma naibii din blogroll.
Pick me Choose me Love me,
Monday, 7 April 2008
Spaghetti alla carbonara
Azi am facut carbonara (mi-au ajuns pentru urmatorul an... cam multa smantana pentru mine), dar nu despre asta urma sa scriu, ci despre un citat dat de Bestie in timp ce fierbeam pastele: 'Women are like spaghetti, they're straight until they're wet.' LOL
Pick me Choose me Love me
Sunday, 6 April 2008
Melodie misto
Am descoperit o melodie faina rau pe vh1. Cu un clip tare misto.
Si nu, nu imi place tipa... :D
Si nu, nu e evreica... :D
I'm a new soul I came to this strange world hoping I could learn a bit about how to give and take.
But since I came here
felt the joy and the fear
finding myself making every possible mistake
I'm a young soul in this very strange world hoping I could learn a bit about what is true and fake.
But why all this hate?
Try to communicate.
Finding trust and love is not always easy to make.
This is a happy end cause' you don't understand everything you have done why's everything so wrong
this is a happy end come and give me your hand I'll take your far away.
I'm a new soul I came to this strange world hoping I could learn a bit about how to give and take but since I came here felt the joy and the fear finding myself making every possible mistake
Thursday, 27 March 2008
Google - the final frontier
Google, dragutul de el, imi trimite vizitatori care cauta si ei ceva. Ia sa vedem ce cauta ei...
everything is perfect now - Da, asa este. Prietenii stiu de ce... :-"
2 guy se fut in cur - Unde? UNDE?
blog hefe - Ai nimerit bine. Daca-l cautai pe Hefe celalalt (nu vreau fetito casa te pieeeerd), al' de la Coma, mai baga o fisa la
consumator @apabucur. ro - Fara space si merge linku', dar nu-ti pot garanta ca-ti si raspunde cineva la mail.
facerea de bine e futere de mama - basically...
hefe - Prezent!
m-am ras - Sa-ti fie de bine!
noi2 - pentru saitul de (a)cuplare, incearca
tebeche - Nu, multumesc. Poti incerca urmatoarea combinatie: Izoniazida, Rifampicina si Etambutol.
ziua internationala a protectiei drepturilor consumatorului - O gluma buna, nu-i asa?
Wednesday, 26 March 2008
Ben Harper & Vanessa da Mata - "Good Luck" (Boa Sorte)
Inca o melodie trista, dar tare frumoasa.
Não tem mais jeito
Boa sorte
Não tenho o que dizer
São só palavras
E o que eu sinto
Não mudará
Tudo o que quer me dar
É demais
É pesado
Não há paz
Tudo o que quer de mim
That's it
There is no way
It's over
Good luck
I have nothing left to say
It's only words
And what l feel
Won't change
Tudo o que quer me dar
Everything you want to give me
É demais
It too much
É pesado
It's heavy
Não há paz
There is no peace
Tudo o que quer de mim
All you want from me
Isn´t real
Mesmo, se segure
Quero que se cure
Dessa pessoa
Que o aconselha
Há um desencontro
Veja por esse ponto
Há tantas pessoas especiais
Now even if you hold yourself
I want you to get cured
From this person
Who advises you
There is a disconnection
See through this point of view
There are so many special people in the world
So many special people in the world... in the world
All you want all you want
(Repete refrão)
Now were falling (falling), falling (falling) into the night (into the night),
Falling (falling), falling (falling) into the night (um bom encontro é de dois),
Now were falling (falling), falling (falling) into the night (into the night),
Falling (falling), falling (falling) into the night.
Pick me Choose me Love me,
Monday, 24 March 2008
Sa facem niste nefacute... Muhahah
Leapsa furata de la Ileanne.
Legenda: Bold = facute, Italics = facubile
01) Bought everyone in the pub a drink
02) Swam with wild dolphins
03) Climbed a mountain
04) Taken a Ferrari for a test drive
05) Been inside the Great Pyramid
06) Held a tarantula.
07) Taken a candlelit bath with someone
08) Said ‘I love you’ and meant it
09) Hugged a tree
10) Done a striptease
11) Bungee jumped
12) Visited Paris
13) Watched a lightning storm at sea
14) Stayed up all night long, and watch the sun rise
15) Seen the Northern Lights
16) Gone to a huge sports game
17) Walked the stairs to the top of the leaning Tower of Pisa
18) Grown and eaten your own vegetables
19) Touched an iceberg
20) Slept under the stars
21) Changed a baby’s diaper
22) Taken a trip in a hot air balloon
23) Watched a meteor shower
24) Gotten drunk on champagne
25) Given more than you can afford to charity
26) Looked up at the night sky through a telescope
27) Had an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment
28) Had a food fight
29) Bet on a winning horse
30) Taken a sick day when you’re not ill
31) Asked out a stranger
32) Had a snowball fight
33) Photocopied your bottom on the office photocopier
34) Screamed as loudly as you possibly can
35) Held a lamb
36) Enacted a favorite fantasy
37) Taken a midnight skinny dip
38) Taken an ice cold bath
39) Had a meaningful conversation with a beggar
40) Seen a total eclipse
41) Ridden a roller coaster
42) Hit a home run
43) Fit three weeks miraculously into three days
44) Danced like a fool and not cared who was looking
45) Adopted an accent for an entire day
46) Visited the birthplace of your ancestors
47) Actually felt happy about your life, even for just a moment
48) Had two hard drives for your computer
49) Visited all 50 states of USA
50) Loved your job for all accounts
51) Taken care of someone who was shit faced
52) Had enough money to be truly satisfied
53) Had amazing friends
54) Danced with a stranger in a foreign country
55) Watched wild whales
56) Stolen a sign
57) Backpacked in Europe
58) Taken a road-trip
59) Rock climbing
60) Lied to foreign government’s official in that country to avoid notice
61) Midnight walk on the beach
62) Sky diving
63) Visited Ireland
64) Been heartbroken longer then you were actually in love
65) In a restaurant, sat at a stranger’s table and had a meal with them
66) Visited Japan
67) Benchpressed your own weight
68) Milked a cow
69) Alphabetized your records
70) Pretended to be a superhero
71) Sung karaoke
72) Lounged around in bed all day
73) Posed nude in front of strangers
74) Scuba diving
75) Got it on to “Let’s Get It On” by Marvin Gaye
76) Kissed in the rain
77) Played in the mud
78) Played in the rain
79) Gone to a drive-in theater
80) Done something you should regret, but don’t regret it
81) Visited the Great Wall of China
82) Discovered that someone who’s not supposed to have known about your blog has discovered your blog
83) Dropped Windows in favor of something better
84) Started a business
85) Fallen in love and not had your heart broken
86) Toured ancient sites
87) Taken a martial arts class
88) Sword fought for the honor of a woman
89) Played D&D for more than 6 hours straight
90) Gotten engaged
91) Been in a movie
92) Crashed a party
93) Loved someone you shouldn’t have
94) Kissed someone so passionately it made them dizzy
95) Gotten married
96) Had sex at the office
97) Gone without food for 5 days
98) Made cookies from scratch
99) Won first prize in a costume contest
100) Ridden a gondola in Venice
101) Gotten a tattoo
102) Found that the texture of some materials can turn you on
103) Gotten divorced
104) Been on television news programs as an “expert”
105) Got flowers for no reason
106) Masturbated in a public place
107) Got so drunk you don’t remember anything
108) Taken illegal drugs
109) Performed on stage
110) Been to Las Vegas
111) Recorded music
112) Eaten shark
113) Had a one-night stand
114) Gone to Thailand
115) Seen Siouxsie live
116) Bought a house
117) Been in a combat zone
118) Buried one/both of your parents
119) Shaved or waxed your pubic hair off
120) Been on a cruise ship
121) Spoken more than one language fluently
122) Gotten into a fight while attempting to defend someone
123) Bounced a check
124) Performed in Rocky Horror
125) Read - and understood - your credit report
126) Raised children
127) Recently bought and played with a favorite childhood toy
128) Followed your favorite band/singer on tour
129) Created and named your own constellation of stars
130) Taken an exotic bicycle tour in a foreign country
131) Found out something significant that your ancestors did
132) Called or written your Congress person
133) Picked up and moved to another city to just start over
134) …more than once? - More than twice?
135) Walked the Golden Gate Bridge
136) Sang loudly in the car, and didn’t stop when you knew someone was looking
137) Had an abortion or your female partner did
138) Had plastic surgery
139) Survived an accident that you shouldn’t have survived
140) Wrote articles for a large publication
141) Lost over 100 pounds
142) Held someone while they were having a flashback
143) Piloted an airplane
144) Petted a stingray
145) Broken someone’s heart
146) Helped an animal give birth
147) Been fired or laid off from a job
148) Won money on a T.V. game show
149) Broken a bone
150) Killed a human being
151) Gone on an African photo safari
152) Ridden a motorcycle
153) Driven any land vehicle at a speed of greater than 100 mph
154) Had a body part of yours below the neck pierced
155) Fired a rifle, shotgun, or pistol
156) Eaten mushrooms that were gathered in the wild
157) Ridden a horse
158) Had major surgery
159) Had sex on a moving train
160) Had a snake as a pet
161) Hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon
162) Slept through an entire flight: takeoff, flight, and landing
163) Slept for more than 30 hours
164) Visited lots of foreign countries
165) Visited all 7 continents
166) Taken a canoe trip that lasted more than 2 days
167) Eaten kangaroo meat
168) Fallen in love at an ancient Mayan burial ground
169) Been a sperm or egg donor
170) Eaten sushi
171) Had your picture in the newspaper
172) Had 2 (or more) healthy romantic relationships for over a year in your lifetime
173) Changed someone’s mind about something you care deeply about
174) Gotten someone fired for their actions
175) Gone back to school
176) Parasailed
177) Changed your name
178) Petted a cockroach
179) Eaten fried green tomatoes.
180) Read The Iliad
181) Selected one “important” author who you missed in school, and read
182) Dined in a restaurant and stolen silverware, plates, cups because your apartment needed them
183) …and gotten 86?ed from the restaurant because you did it so many times, they figured out it was you
184) Taught yourself an art from scratch
185) Killed and prepared an animal for eating
186) Apologized to someone years after inflicting the hurt
187) Skipped all your school reunions
188) Communicated with someone without sharing a common spoken language
189) Been elected to public office
190) Written your own computer language
191) Thought to yourself that you’re living your dream
192) Had to put someone you love into hospice care
193) Built your own PC from parts
194) Sold your own artwork to someone who didn’t know you
195) Had a booth at a street fair
196) Dyed your hair
197) Been a DJ
198) Found out someone was going to dump you via a blog
199) Written your own role playing game
200) Been arrested
Pick me Choose me Love me
Thursday, 20 March 2008
Brent Cross.
Home is where your heart is.
This is my home: please spot the golden Fiat Punto on the left hand side.
This nice picture was found and 'stolen' from Wikipedia.
Wednesday, 19 March 2008
Admiratorul/oarea meu/mea secret/a din Irlam, U.K. este rugat/a sa lase un comentariu (asa, de-aiurea) ca sa aflu si eu ce fani am peste granite.
Thursday, 13 March 2008
apanova - lucraturi programate
Sau 'Happy Ziua Consumatorului's Day!'
Joi 13.03.2008 intre orele 8h00-23h00 se va opri temporar furnizarea alimentarii cu apa la consumatorii din perimetrul strazilor: Splaiul Independentei mal stang intre pod Grozavesti si Popovat, Constantin Ghercu si camine studentesti Regie.
ApaNova ne-o trage de zor oprind apa de Ziua Internaţională a Protecţiei Drepturilor Consumatorului si apoi mai are si tupeul de a-si trimite sclavii sa ne intebe de sanatate cu doua zile mai tarziu.
Apa Nova le vorbeşte consumatorilor despre drepturile lor
13 martie 2008 - De Ziua Internaţională a Protecţiei Drepturilor Consumatorului, Apa Nova stă de vorbă cu bucureştenii în 3 hypermarketuri din Bucureşti. Angajaţi ai companiei se vor afla sâmbătă, 15 martie, în Galeria Carrefour Orhideea, Carrefour Militari şi Cora Pantelimon pentru a răspunde întrebărilor consumatorilor.
Bucureştenii aflaţi la cumpărături vor avea ocazia să discute cu angajaţii Apa Nova despre cum pot reduce consumul sau pierderile de apă; cum se realizează facturarea; cum se monitorizează calitatea apei potabile sau cum pot cere ei înşişi o analiză a apei.
“Consumatorul bucureştean este extrem de exigent şi este bine să fie aşa. Noi îi încurajăm pe clientii noştri să ne transmită mereu feedbackul lor, inclusiv observaţiile critice pe care le au. În această zi am ieşit noi în întâmpinarea lor, pentru a le pune la dispoziţie răspunsurile la întrebări”, spune Andreas Baude, Directorul General APA NOVA.
Apa Nova organizeză deja acest eveniment pentru a patra oară. Compania îşi propune să îi informeze şi să îi educe pe consumatorii bucureşteni în legătură cu drepturile lor.
Întrebările şi sfaturile bucureştenilor sunt aşteptate pe adresa de e-mail sau la tefon 207 77 77.
Date de contact
Biroul de Presa Apa Nova
Monica Rǎuţu
Tel./Fax: 315 41 33
Probabil ca atunci cand s-au hotarat sa NU reia furnizarea apei potabile (mai mult sau mai putin potabile) la ora la care au zis pe site, fredonau asta:
Concluzia? De ziua internationala a... stiti voi ce, sa ne apucam de treaba!
Wednesday, 12 March 2008
Ce-am comis, noi2 1.1
Hefe: cum se numeste ca sunt daca-mi plac gadgeturile? dork?
iubita mea: hehe
Hefe: 8-)
iubita mea: gadgetar
iubita mea: :D
iubita mea: ...and dork
Hefe: :-B
Hefe: adica nerd?
iubita mea: si trendinez
iubita mea: ca astia le au
Hefe: emo?
iubita mea: dorkii viseaza la ele
Hefe: si o sa ma mai iubesti gadgetara?
iubita mea: emo dk plangi intai ca nu le ai si apoi k nu-ti vine sa crezi k sunt ale tale
Hefe: =)) LOOOOL
iubita mea: te-am iubit si gadgicara
iubita mea: asa k...
Hefe: gadgicara? as zice fustangitza (sau fustangie?)
Aici iubita mea s-a EMOtionat si n-a mai raspuns la provocari...
Pick me Choose me Love me
Transgender male to female
El e amicul meu transsexual. Noi suntem foarte mandri de el ca a ales sa-si urmeze impulsul interior de a se arata lumii asa cum este el de fapt: o femeie prizoniera in corp de barbat. Operatia a decurs foarte bine, fara cicatrici vizibile si cred ca urmeaza sa-si faca si operatia prin care corpul lui va fi si mai atragator, augmentarea sanilor. Noi ii dorim mult succes la urmatoarea operatie si mai ales la tratamentul hormonal. Totodata speram ca in urma hormonilor sa-i dispara parul de pe piept si agresivitatea de care a dat dovada de-a lungul anilor.
Nu te-am uitat, prietene! Suntem cu totii alaturi de tine! Speram ca vei imbunatati imaginea LGBT in Romania!
DISCLAMER: sper ca n-o sa vina sa ma casapeasca pentru o poza trucata nu stiu inca de cine si pentru cateva cuvinte. Daca o sa observati ca nu mai postez mai mult de o saptamana, sa stiti ca imi plac lacramioarele si coliva pe care o face bunica-mea. Sicriu: 1.80x60 cm, lemn de stejar cu manere de alama, drapat cu matase gri, va rog frumos.
lolisme chestii,