Wheeeee, congrats! Have a tree on za rocks while you're there! Bring me back a moose keychain hahaha. You'll have fun, you really will, partying with the neighbours from 20 miles away all nite long (which might be a good month). Canadia is great!
If only weed known this blog was read by party poopers. (whaddya mean no weeds? Insecticide kills... and it's not cool). also, sing this at the airport, it'd take the ULTIMATE piss: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWDXE9Pbjic (watch out for a cameo by the Shat jajaja)
("I am, you know I am..." oh heavens, they're actually proud of that. Varianta romineasca ar fi "I am tziganian"? lolable).
@ Anonymous a.k.a. Daddy Cool: treaba cu 'weed' scris asa in loc de we'd e o gluma pe care o facem (cu Mara) apropo de faptul ca unii se plimba in Amsterdam si altii ba. Ma bucur ca exista vecini, ceea ce inseamna ca tara e populata, dar nu imi explic de ce nu-si permit sa trimita o receptionista de acolo la ambasada din Bucuresti, nu de alta, da' actuala e romanca si se crede un fel de alpha si omega, dulcolax si furazolidon, intuneric si lumina ambasadei. Apropo de functionari 'misto' poti sa intri pe www.protectiaascultatorului.ro si sa te distrezi un pic.
@ Mara: the party pooper is DAD, the actual biological father of mine. LOL, iiis iiiit?
Ar putea trimite o receptionizda de pe aici, dar trebuie sa stie romaneste si atunci ajungi in situatia anterioara. @ileanne - noi worries canadienele originale sunt prea pufoase si greoaie si apoi o sa se invarta intre familisti de 40+. @Mara - Sorry, just trying to keep up with my nick name. No poop whatsoever.
Ca sa continui gluma, poate nu intr-un mod la fel de amuzant: daca te duci in Eastern si Central Canada atunci cu siguranta va fi we'd (nu e problema majora, se gaseste). In Western Canada (God bless BC) e weed for sure. In fine, cu iarna care s-a instalat zilele astea, nu ai sa vezi prea multe weeds (poate la tv) ;)
Deci vorba cantecului Go West. Vedi Pacific, e poi innamorarte di vita.
Qvo vadis
All right, I guess the question at this point is “What’s going to happen
here?” The plan is to talk about food and woodworking. We’ll try to come up
with n...
Wheeeee, congrats!
Have a tree on za rocks while you're there! Bring me back a moose keychain hahaha. You'll have fun, you really will, partying with the neighbours from 20 miles away all nite long (which might be a good month). Canadia is great!
Weed be very happy to have any neighbours at all. :D
Bravos.. First of all no weeds ! And don't worry there will be neghbours.
If only weed known this blog was read by party poopers. (whaddya mean no weeds? Insecticide kills... and it's not cool).
also, sing this at the airport, it'd take the ULTIMATE piss: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWDXE9Pbjic (watch out for a cameo by the Shat jajaja)
("I am, you know I am..." oh heavens, they're actually proud of that. Varianta romineasca ar fi "I am tziganian"? lolable).
@ Anonymous a.k.a. Daddy Cool: treaba cu 'weed' scris asa in loc de we'd e o gluma pe care o facem (cu Mara) apropo de faptul ca unii se plimba in Amsterdam si altii ba. Ma bucur ca exista vecini, ceea ce inseamna ca tara e populata, dar nu imi explic de ce nu-si permit sa trimita o receptionista de acolo la ambasada din Bucuresti, nu de alta, da' actuala e romanca si se crede un fel de alpha si omega, dulcolax si furazolidon, intuneric si lumina ambasadei. Apropo de functionari 'misto' poti sa intri pe www.protectiaascultatorului.ro si sa te distrezi un pic.
@ Mara: the party pooper is DAD, the actual biological father of mine. LOL, iiis iiiit?
yay for the visa, for the rocks and the trees and the weedless water :D
adu-i marei keychain, mie ... o frunza de artar :P cumpara-ti orice poftesti dar sa nu iti iei...canadiana de acolo!
Ar putea trimite o receptionizda de pe aici, dar trebuie sa stie romaneste si atunci ajungi in situatia anterioara.
@ileanne - noi worries canadienele originale sunt prea pufoase si greoaie si apoi o sa se invarta intre familisti de 40+.
@Mara - Sorry, just trying to keep up with my nick name. No poop whatsoever.
Ca sa continui gluma, poate nu intr-un mod la fel de amuzant: daca te duci in Eastern si Central Canada atunci cu siguranta va fi we'd (nu e problema majora, se gaseste). In Western Canada (God bless BC) e weed for sure. In fine, cu iarna care s-a instalat zilele astea, nu ai sa vezi prea multe weeds (poate la tv) ;)
Deci vorba cantecului Go West. Vedi Pacific, e poi innamorarte di vita.
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