those LEZ questions answered
Asta e un fel de auto-leapsa de la Ileanne.
1. do you ...roleplay?
yes, we do. from time to time. not always. we also exchange roles.
2. is it enough? is there nothing missing?
yep, it's enough.
3. when/how did you first know that...?
cand am inceput sa ma uit dupa muieri, pe la 5-6 ani cand admiram cu infocare o amica de-a maica-mii care era extraordinar de frumoasa.
4. are you sure?
yeah, baby!
5. before you...., weren't you scared you may never go back to how/what you were before?
ba da, dar mi-am dat seama ca de fapt asa sunt eu si mi-a placut teribil cine sunt eu.
6. would there be anything to go back to?
don't think so... but, hey, never say never!
7. what about children and marriage? are you ready to let these go?
who's letting go what? da, ne putem casatori in unele tari, iar de copii nu se pune problema. se pot face oriunde si oricand.
8. yes but they won't actually be your children....
asa cum exista mame singure pe lumea asta, vor fi ai mei si ai EI.
9. how about wedding costumes? but wouldn't it be...awkward eitherway?
eu am o viziune complet neacceptata despre nunta mea: scrubs (google search it)
10. what do you like in a woman?
waaa... sper ca cititorii acestui post au peste 18 ani... piele fina si calda, buze moi, gemete in timp ce..., atingeri usoare.
11. don't you ever get bored? is there any variation whatsoever?
nu, nu ne plictisim... iar daca ne plictisim iesim la un teatru. desi in ultima vreme teatrul a cam fost pasat.
12. how do you two.... ?
cu dragoste si daruire.
13. how often do you...? and how much does an average .... last?
as often as we want to (asa-i, bestie?) 2 hours plus.
14. does she make you ....?
sometimes, dar de obicei e mai misto daca nu.
15. how do you know you're in love?
just like everyone else: fluturi in stomac, barbii tremurande, genunchi moi si fluturasi, ingerasi si iepurasi.
16. what attracts you to a woman?
vezi mai sus
17. isn't it hard to find another of those.... how do you call them-girls?
they're all straight untill they're wet (wise men say)... da si nu... declarate, cam greu... bi-curious gramezi... [LE]: a hard woman is good to find. ha ha.
18. how do you label yourself?
19. have you ever know....? has she?
no, I don't know. Could you be more specific?
20. how do you know a girl is gay?
you don't... sexuality is fluid: whether you're gay, you're straight or you're a bisexual, you just go with the flow.
21. did you ever fancy me?
God, I get that question so often... ermm... do YOU fancy me?
22. if you like this kind of girls could it be that you're actually attracted to boys?
i actually like girly-grrls. the cliterati. the lipstick lesbians.
23. why on earth have you cropped your hair? why didn't you use make up anymore? (you're still a girl, you know)
24. did you ever tell a guy hitting on you that you're not into this, that you're....?
25. what if you fall for a guy? do you think you may ever....?
yeah, what if... i'll just go with the flow.
26. is there any jealousy at all in such a relationship?
27. isn't it easier? the loving, the sex....isn't everything so much simpler?
it's just sex. not simpler nor more complicated. SEX.
28. men are stupid and easy to put up with, isn't living with another woman an unnecessary everyday struggle?
destule generalizari. nu.
29. do you always sleep in the same bed?
not always... sometimes we're not in the same country... (bestie, chiar te-a intrebat cineva asta?)
30. do you cuddle each night?
while in the same bed.
31. how come you've moved in together that quickly?
it's the lesbian urge to merge.
32. isn't it risky living together?
risky? what do you mean?
33. what are you going to do if you break up?
say goodbye. and find a place to live.
34. what will you do when she leaves, eventually?
find the next she.
35. is there (some kind of) competition between you two?
nici macar unde mi-as dori: cine spala prima vasele, cine face prima ceaiul de dimineata, de-astea.
36. does everybody know that you two
like... almost everybody. din partea mea nu stiu bunicii si nici nu intentionez sa afle.
37. do you kiss in public places? do you link hands when you're out?
yep, both.
38. how out are you?
vezi mai sus.
39. how is everybody else looking at you? aren't they bothered?
do I look like I care?
40. who else knows about... you?
vezi mai sus.
41. and when are you going to...? you know you'll have to tell him some day....
That's everybody's decision. I don't encourage it.
That's all, folks!
random comments (daca n-am numerotat intrebarile...)
as wise WOMYN put it... ;)
s-a notat, s-a notat, you don't encourage me/it.:D
imi place teribil cine/cum esti :X
i love this struggle (if any).
si se accepta. completely. (truly madly...)
uite, ca sa imi dau si eu seama ce comentariu unde merge, am sa le numerotez. ok, grrl? mai caut care comentariu la ce intrebare era...
vezi k grrlz sunt fetele alea periculoase care nu-ti plac tie:P
and ...fir-ar...i'd become a girly/doily/lipstick lez any time for you :*
lipstick lez... mmm... yummy... stii, bestie, am vazut una... ti-ar fi placut si tie (not)... :P
yummy...vrei sa pai niste pomezi?
nu fi cu capu'. nu pomezile, ci girly girls.
hai mai bine sa ne facem noi de ras pe mess... ca acum chiar o sa inceapa sa creada lumea ca e pe bune faza cu role playing, fixed gender roles etc.
adica vrei sa zici ca nu-ti place cand imi pun barba? aha! stiam eu... da' mie imi place cand o faci pe asistenta sexy... sau politista rea... da... da...
observ ca aproape tot blogul e un dialog deschis intre voi iar ...apropo banuiesc ca esti mare fana The L world nu? astfel nu imi explic de ce recunosc majoritatea raspunsurilor pe care le-ai dat....
Da, imi place L word, dar raspunsurile au fost sincere, nu le-am luat de acolo. Aia cu lesbian urge to merge m-a distrat si e reala.
Blogul nu e un dialog intre noi, daca mai sapi, ai sa ajungi si la era pre-Bestie.
ok acuma nu e motiv de suparare doar am observat o asemanare intre cateva rapunsuri si the l world
inca mai rasfoiesc blogul si chiar as vrea sa vad si era pre-Bestie am un feeling....
ma cunosti? m-am dat la tine in metrou? ce nenorocita sunt... am fost cu vreo prietena de-a ta? i-am distrus viata? [de obicei de-astea primesc]
cauta articole publicate inainte de nov. 2007, asa ajungi la era pre-Bestie
nu despre asta era vb ci despre dinamica blogului care cred ca e data acest dialog de aia vroiam sa era pre
blogul meu are o dinamica... erm... si care e feelingu'?
feelingu era ca o sa imi placa mult blogul tau chiar are de toate si mi-a placut mult desi cred ca de prin arhiva unele videoclipuri nu mai sunt valabile
apropo nu ma pot abona la news prin mail?
ps. thanks pt ca asa am descoperit alt blog un bocanc in gura
apropo, nu cred ca merge treaba cu mailu'. ma bucur ca-ti place. unele videoclipuri au fost retrase de pe youtube, cele de trilulilu inca functioneaza.
p.s. ma bucur ca-ti place blogul luanei.
Dar, chiar daca nu te poti abona prin mail, poti sa ma bagi intr-un feed reader. RSS, alea alea...
Dupa indelungate cercetari stiintifice am descoperit ca poti sa te abonezi la blogu' asta apasand in josul paginii pe 'Subscribe to Posts (Atom)' si sa-l adaugi la pagina de Gugal.
:))=))WOW. Ce-am mai ras la postul asta. Super tare. Keep it going.
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