Qvo vadis
All right, I guess the question at this point is “What’s going to happen
here?” The plan is to talk about food and woodworking. We’ll try to come up
with n...
15 years ago
"We don't know, you can never be sure. But you take the plunge anyway. Sure is for people who don't love enough."
Sa-ti amintesti ca a fost frumos.
Sa-ti amintesti ca te-ai simtit bine.
Sa-ti amintesti ca pot.
Sa-ti amintesti ca stiu cum.
Sa-ti amintesti ca vreau.
Sa-ti amintesti ca ai ras.
Sa-ti amintesti ca te-am iubit.
Sa-ti amintesti ca am ras.
Sa-ti amintesti ca avem pasiuni comune.
Remember me,
black and white,
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