Zapping trough...
9.5 zap
6 zap
8 zap
9 zap
7 zap
9 zap
8.5 zap
9.5 zap
8 zap
0 zap
what next? zap
Longing for a 9 or better...
"We don't know, you can never be sure. But you take the plunge anyway. Sure is for people who don't love enough."
9.5 zap
6 zap
8 zap
9 zap
7 zap
9 zap
8.5 zap
9.5 zap
8 zap
0 zap
Labels: black and white, video
[And I intend to keep it that way]
Ok... I iz back in lumea civilizata... and proud of it.
Nu a fost ceea ce ma asteptam sa fie, lume linistita si oameni care-si vad de treaba... da' ei 'Batman! Batman!'.
In linii mari:
- hotel de 4* din care doua erau de imprumut... a fost curat, macar atat.
- oameni care nu te cunosc, dar ti se adreseaza cu 'Gazelle'... capra-i ma-ta... la un moment dat m-am enervat si am facut urat la ei si s-au linistit
- prohibitie la alcool... nu cred ca mi-a fost mai pofta de o bere in viata mea...
Orasul vechi, Medina, e de-o mizerie si-o saracie crunta, orice colt e o buda publica, carnea de pui sau oaie se vinde bine bazaita de muste, fara frigider; legume, fructe si alte alea zac pe jos si lumea le cumpara fara sa faca scandal ca-s storcite.
Souk - extreme shopping
Souk-ul este un neam de bazar. Pana aici toate-s bune si frumoase, dar... trebuie sa te tocmesti, la orice. Nu sunt preturi scrise nicaieri, comerciantii vorbesc franceza si berbera, doua limbi total necunoscute mie, asa ca ne intelegeam prin semne si putina engleza... destul de nepoliticosi. Te iau de mana si te baga in magazinul lor chiar daca tu doar treceai pe acolo. Distractia cu domnii comercianti a luat sfarsit de cand am inceput sa port turban pe cap... probabil au zis ca-s de-a casei si nu s-au mai deranjat.
Orasul nou, Menara
Gradini frumoase, ingrijite, care la ora de rugaciune se transforma in locuri de veneratie, dar... trotuare care arata ca dupa bombardament si miros de parca nu si-au strans mortii, din acelasi motiv de buda publica. Toate cladirile au aceeasi culoare, sau aproximativ aceeasi culoare, dupa varsta.
Concluzia Cand si daca o sa am copii care imi bazaie ca vor telefonul care a aparut azi ca cel care il au si e aparut ieri nu mai e bun, o sa le arat niste poze si am sa le zic 'Taci, ca te trimit in Maroc!'
Labels: vacanta
Despite common belief, I am a grownup. I don't need a nanny or a babysitter. I don't need to be overprotected, especially by a total stranger. I know how I like my tea, I don't need somebody to tell me that. I like my porridge a little runnier than usual, 3 spoons of sugar and a touch of cream. I know when I'm cold and I should wear that extra jumper.
I'm sooo tired of this nobody that keeps telling me what to do and how, that nobody doing nothing for herself but complaining all the time.
I am ready, am am FINE, thanks very much.
Picture by Anne Geddes.
0 comments Labels: audio, stress, vaci
2 comments Labels: black and white
Mai sunt 2 zile si plec in Marrakech... Promit sa fac poze multe-multe si sa le pun pe ici, pe colo.
2 comments Labels: vacanta, video
Ar fi aiurea sa generalizez si sa zic 'Ai sa te intorci ca toate celelalte'... am sa zic 'Ai sa te intorci cum te-ai mai intors'... o rugaminte am: cand te mai intorci mirosind a sex, fa un dus inainte sa iti faci loc in patul meu.
Melodia - Fleetwood Mac - Temporary One (ca sa-ti aduca aminte de mine, ca de-aia e Fleetwood Mac)
Pentru - Alexandra, efident
'What are you doin', are you
Busy with your world
Well I wish you were busy with mine
The river goes on and on, and the
Sea that divides us is a
Temporary one, and the
Bridge will bring us back together'
0 comments Labels: audio, black and white, obsesie
The two of us were walking down an alley in the park and then... we met THEM. They were sitting on a bench, talking non-sense. She looked upset, rejected and unwanted. Then she saw me and started to smile. He raised and met me: 'TU esti Dan? Hahahahaha!!!' she didn't like my reaction...
He looked power-less and small. And ugly. Dan walked away...
We sat on the next bench and she took my hands with her feet and smiled. I reached out and kissend her and she kissed me back. Then you shouted: 'Fugi, cat mai ai timp. Se intoarce!'. Dan was coming back, and fast. And angry. He stood with his back against a tree. I wanted to punch him and stopped with my fist next to his face. He punched me back and broke my nose. It was bleeding but it did not hurt. He ran as fast as he could. She smiled...
I woke up with a sour nose bridge. I'll be fine...
For: Ioana. About: Alexandra, of course
0 comments Labels: black and white, obsesie
Sa-ti amintesti ca a fost frumos.
Sa-ti amintesti ca te-ai simtit bine.
Sa-ti amintesti ca pot.
Sa-ti amintesti ca stiu cum.
Sa-ti amintesti ca vreau.
Sa-ti amintesti ca ai ras.
Sa-ti amintesti ca te-am iubit.
Sa-ti amintesti ca am ras.
Sa-ti amintesti ca avem pasiuni comune.
Remember me,
0 comments Labels: black and white, medicina
Simply beautiful... Milla Jovovich
Unii zic ca-i doar imaginatia mea, dar cred ca seamana cu 'someone I used to know'...
0 comments Labels: black and white, obsesie
0 comments Labels: black and white, shades of grey
0 comments Labels: black and white, shades of grey
0 comments Labels: black and white, shades of grey
0 comments Labels: black and white, shades of grey
0 comments Labels: black and white, shades of grey
0 comments Labels: audio, obsesie